It is fashionable in
some domains of public discourse to denigrate psychostimulant medications and
their therapeutic impact on young people living with ADHD. In particular,
it is not uncommon to find armchair philosophers, scientologists or even research
naïve journalists happily spouting off about the way that psychostimulants turn
young people into robots, take away their feelings and generally make them less
than human.
These medications are,
in the mouths of those espousing such opinions, at best dehumanizing and
perhaps worse.
They are supposed to
take away the mind and the soul of those to whom they have been prescribed.
They are supposed to make young people less authentic as individuals and are
supposed to block their ability to make critical considerations about their
ability to function, on or off the medications. In short, they are a
challenge to authenticity and damage moral agency.
An interesting aspect of
this pontificating has been the strength by which these opinions are held,
interestingly enough not supported by data addressing authenticity or moral
agency. This certainly does not mean it is unimportant, only that it needs
empirical evidence to either support or refute the opinion. This would
therefore classify it as an informed opinion, not simply an opinion.
So, what does the data
show us? Click here to
view an interesting article recently published by the British Medical Journal.
Interestingly, the author asked what young people’s experiences and
considerations were. Further interesting, the conclusion states: “drawing on a
study involving over 150 families in two countries, I show that children are
able to report threats to authenticity related to stimulant drug treatments,
but the majority of children are not concerned with such threats. On balance,
children report that stimulant drugs improve their capacity for moral agency,
and that they associate this capacity with an ability to meet normative expectations.”
In other words, children treated with these medications appreciate their
therapeutic value while at the same time preferring not to be taking them and
not liking the side effects.
Wow. We would expect the
same response from young people taking insulin or medications that treat heart
problems or cancer. Interesting however, is the observation that armchair
philosophers, scientologists, sociobabblers and others do not set their
vitriolic sights on those other types of medication treatments. Maybe treatments
for traditional “physical” conditions are okay, but treatments for traditional
“mental” conditions are not. Maybe there is a gross misunderstanding that
mental actually means brain and brains can get sick, just like the pancreas or
the heart. We seem to miss out on the data, i.e. the facts that speak to this
exact reasoning which can shed some light to the notion that the difference
should not exist.
In my opinion, this is
either a lack of knowledge writ large or a familiarity with knowledge submerged
in prejudice. It is hard to know which would be worse, but the stigma
that this vitriol contributes to is real.
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